Introduction About the Program

With Thanks

We’d like to thank so many people for their assistance and support with HMHF.

We are thankful to all of the mothers who have contributed to the research in any capacity, since the first study in 2006.

Special thanks to the seven mothers who shared their stories in this website: Ashleen, Hannah, Maria, Hilke, Stephanie, Natalie, and Bec.

Thanks to the following people:

  • Fiona Jane;
    Fiona is a general practitioner who was intricately involved in the program delivery for six years. Thanks to Fiona for her expert contributions about women’s health and what women need to know and do to look after themselves.
  • Gina McAdam
  • Natalie Elder
  • Evelyn Volders
  • Jennifer Neil
  • Jodie Dakic
  • Jenny Salgo
  • Nicole O’Brien
  • Carolyn McDiamid
  • Helen Johnson
  • Louise Johnson
  • Aaron Shiel
  • Stacey Touma
  • Kylie Aekins
  • Bree Pennie
Entry last updated 04 July, 2024