For Professionals

This educational portal is for health professionals. Please contact Helen Bourke-Taylor prior to registering for the professional section of the website to learn more about HMHF-coaching:

The purpose of the professional section of the HMHF website is:

  1. To educate new HMHF facilitators about the research and rationale underpinning the HMHF.
  2. To explain the research and evaluation of HMHF coaching and workshops.
  3. To provide guidance for coaching or group delivery.
  4. To provide guidance to incorporate health promoting activity coaching for clinicians to incorporate HPAC into everyday interactions with families of children and young people with a disability.
  5. To provide access to four assessment tools that are associated and developed for allied health professionals and families within HMHF.

The professional self-paced modules have multiple choice questions at the end of each module and include approximately 8 hours learning.

The professional section of the HMHF website aims to provide foundational knowledge to assist professionals to prepare to assist mothers of children with a disability to support their own health and wellbeing.

Overview of modules:

  • Module 1 provides an overview of the HMHF program and the research that underpins the program.
  • Module 2 explores the role and challenges of mothers.
  • Module 3 summarises pertinent women’s health resources and information.
  • Module 4 discusses the importance of health education and behaviour change.
  • Module 5 discusses the key factors that may increase the vulnerability of families.
  • Module 6 outlines the key principles of adult learning.
  • Module 7 discusses facilitator training.
  • Module 8 explains the importance of group leadership and its application to the HMHF program.
  • Module 9 explores group dynamics and practical strategies to facilitate/coach in the HMHF program.
  • Module 10 provides an overview of the 5.5 hour f2f workshop, online workshops and HPAC.

Other resources that are included in the professional site includes information books to use the Health Promoting Activities Scale, the Assistance to Participate scale, the Child’s Challenging Behaviour scale and the My Family’s Accessibility and Community Engagement Scale and the program workbooks for the online workshops and Health Promoting Activity Coaching.

Cost: $350

Professionals Portal

Register to access Healthy Mothers Healthy Families programs for $350

NOTE: This site is for paediatric allied health professionals. If you are a paediatric clinician and would like to deliver Health Promoting Activity Coaching, please contact Helen Bourke-Taylor to organise an introductory ZOOM prior to participating in the training.

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Reference List:
Background research underpinning Healthy Mothers Healthy Families

Click here to download a copy of this information

Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Leo, M. & Tirlea, L. Health, Wellbeing and Empowerment E-workshops for Mothers of Children with Disabilities: A Non-randomised Comparison Study. J Autism Dev Disord (2024).
Bourke-Taylor, H. M., Leo, M., Harris, V., and Tirlea, L. (2023) Health Promoting Activity Coaching: Pilot non-randomized control trial determined feasibility for mothers of children with disability. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(3).
Bourke-Taylor, H. M., Joyce, K. S., & Tirlea, L. (2022). Initial development and evaluation of the My Family’s Accessibility and Community Engagement (MyFACE) tool for families of children with disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76, 7604205150.[HB3]
Harris, V., Bourke-Taylor, H. M., & Leo, M. (2022). Healthy Mothers Healthy Families, Health Promoting Activity Coaching for mothers of children with a disability: Exploring mothers' perspectives of programme feasibility. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 1– 14.[HB4]
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Cotter, C., Joyce, K., Reddihough, D. Brown, T. (2022) Fathers of children with a disability: Health, work and family life issues. Disability and Rehabilitation 44(16), 4441-4451.[HB5]
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L. (2022) Mental health and health behaviour changes for mothers of children with a disability: effectiveness of a health and wellbeing workshop, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(2), 508-521.[HB6]
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Lee, D.C.A., Tirlea, L., Joyce, K., Haines, T. (2021) Support for the mental health of mothers of children with a disability: Systematic review, meta-analysis and description of interventions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51(10), 3690-3706. http://10.1007/s10803-020-04826-4[HB7] .
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Grzegorczyn, S., Joyce, K. (2021) Peer mentor training: Pathway to competency for facilitators of Healthy Mothers Healthy Families. Child, Care, Health and Development 47(5), 575–587.[HB8]
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L. (2021) Further psychometric evaluation of the My Family’s Accessibility and Community Engagement (My FACE) tool: Mothers’ ratings of perceptions of community accessibility and engagement for their child with disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 114(7), 103955[HB9] .
Bourke-Taylor, H. M., Joyce, K. S., Grzegorczyn, S., & Tirlea, L. (2021). Profile of Mothers of Children with a Disability Who Seek Support for Mental Health and Wellbeing. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(9), 3800-3813,[HB10]
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L., Morgan, P., Reddihough, D. (2021) Maternal and child factors associated with the health-promoting behaviours of mothers of children with a developmental disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 118(11), 104069,
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Jane, F.M., Peat, J. (2019) Healthy Mothers Healthy Families Workshop Intervention: A Preliminary Investigation of Healthy Lifestyle Changes for Mothers of a Child with a Disability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(3), 935-949. doi:10.1007/s10803-018-3789-1
Farrugia, T., Hewitt, A., Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joosten, A. (2018) The impact of carer status on participation in healthy activity and self-reported health among Australian women over 50 years, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66(1), 23-32. DOI: 10.1111/1440-1630.12491
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Jane, F.M. (2018) Mothers’ Experiences of a Women’s Health and Empowerment Program for Mothers of a Child with a Disability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48(6), pp 2174–2186, doi: 0.1007/s10803-018-3486-0
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Cordier, R., Pallant, J. (2018) Child’s Challenging Behavior Scale Version 2: Criterion validity with Child Behavior Checklist and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with young typically developing children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(1) e-pages.
Bourke-Taylor, H.M. (2017) Occupational therapists working with children and families: Two decades of progress. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, Special Issue. 64 (Suppl. 1), 11–13.
Joyce, K., Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Wilkes-Gillan, S. (2017) Validity of the Assistance to Participate Scale with parents of typically developing Australian children aged 3-8 years. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal,64(5), 381-390.
Muskett, R., Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Hewitt, A. (2017) Intrarater reliability of the Health Promoting Activities Scale. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4), 7104190010p1-7104190010p8
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Pallant, J., Cordier, R. (2017) Child’s Challenging Behaviour Scale version 2: Psychometric evaluation with mothers of typically developing young children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4) pages unknown.
Bourke-Taylor, H.M. (2016) Editorial. Supporting the occupational participation of Australia’s carers. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 63(3), 141-142.
Bourke-Taylor, H., Cotter, C., Stephan, R. (2015) Complementary, alternative and mainstream service use among families with young children with cerebral palsy: Costs and family sacrifice to access choices. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 35(3), 311-325.
Bourke-Taylor, H, Lalor, A., Farnworth, L., Pallant, J., Knightbridge, L., McLelland, G. (2015). Investigation of the self reported health and health related behaviours of Victorian mothers of school aged children. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 21(1), 66-73.
Bourke-Taylor H.M., Lalor, A., Farnworth, L., Pallant, J. (2014) Further validation of the Health Promoting Activities Scale with mothers of typically developing children. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 61(5), 308-315.
Bourke-Taylor, H., Pallant, J., Law, M., & Howie, L. (2014). Relationship between sleep disruptions, health and care responsibilities among mothers of school-aged children with disabilities. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49(9), 775–782.
Bourke-Taylor, H., Pallant, J., Law, M., (2014). Update on the Child’s Challenging Behaviour Scale following evaluation using rasch analysis. Child: Care, Health and Development, 40(2), 242-249.
Bourke-Taylor, H., Pallant, J. (2013). The Assistance to Participate Scale to measure play and leisure support for children with developmental disability: Update following rasch analysis. Child: Care, Health and Development,39(4),544-551.
Bourke-Taylor, H., Cotter, C., Stephan, R. (2013), Young children with cerebral palsy: families self reported equipment needs and out of pocket expenditure. Child: Care, Health and Development, 40(5), 654-662.
Bourke-Taylor, H., Pallant, J., Law, M., & Howie, L. (2012). Predicting mental health among mothers of school-aged children with developmental disabilities: The relative contribution of child, maternal and environmental factors. Research in Developmental Disability, 33(6), 1732-1740.
Bourke-Taylor. H.M., Law, M., Howie, L. Pallant, J.F. (2012) Development of the Health Promoting Activities Scale (HPAS) for measurement of mother’s participation in leisure. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(1), e1-e10.
Bourke-Taylor. H.M., Howie, L. Law, M., Pallant, J.F. (2012) Self reported mental health of mothers with a school aged child with a disability in Victoria: a mixed method study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 48(2), 153-159.
Bourke-Taylor. H.M., Howie, L., Law, M., (2011) The preclusion of mothers of school aged children with disabilities from paid work and relationship to health related quality of life. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55(5). 511-520.
Bourke-Taylor, H. M. (2010). Understanding the family's perspective: Parenting a child with cerebral palsy. In K. Dodd, C. Imms & N. Taylor (Eds.), Physiotherapy and occupational therapy for people with cerebral palsy: A problem-based approach to assessment and management ( pp 31-39). London, UK: Mac Keith Press.
Bourke-Taylor, H. M., Howie, L., & Law, M. (2010). Impact of caring for a school aged child with a disability: Understanding mothers’ perspectives. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 57(2), 127-136.
Bourke-Taylor, H. M., Law, M., Howie, L., & Pallant, J. F. (2010). Development of the Child's Challenging Behaviour Scale (CCBS) for mothers of school aged children with disabilities. Child: Care, Health and Development, 36(4), 491-498.
Bourke-Taylor, H. M., Law, M., Howie, L., & Pallant, J. F. (2009). Development of the Assistance to Participate Scale (APS) for children's play and leisure activities. Child: Care, Health and Development, 35(5), 738-745.