Module 1 The Journey of Mothers

Module 1: The Journey of Mothers

This module presents the following information:

  • Phases that mothers identify with throughout the journey of parenting their child with a disability
  • Suggestions about why self-care can be difficult at different phases and how to plan healthy change
  • Aspects of care and responsibilities that make mothering a child with a disability different to mothering typically developing children.

This module presents just one way of understanding and seeking perspective about how becoming a mother may have changed you. Specifically, mothering a child with additional care needs, medical needs or disability presents a different set of experiences than mothering typically developing children. In the face to face workshops, run for over 800 mothers between 2012 and 2020, nearly 100 percent of all participating mothers agreed or strongly agreed that they could relate to the journey.

Here are some comments from past participants in the program:

It was helpful to hear about the phases that mothers describe on their journey with their child with a disability. Steps like grieving and eventually achieving life balance. I felt relieved knowing that I’m not crazy, I’m not cuckoo. I am following the phases like other mothers and I feel good that I’m like everyone else.
It’s a recurring cycle, every time the child transitions from one place to another or does something new… acceptance of disability is a journey that you go on.
It’s hard when the majority of people that you know don’t have to worry about the disability side of things. They say, “Oh, you’re so consumed with this”. But actually [the workshops] gave me a perspective...I walked away empowered in my journey because all of my feelings had been validated.

We hope that this module offers you some insight into your own experiences.

Entry last updated 04 July, 2024