Module 3 What Mothers Say About Stress

How Mothers Experience Stress

The last module presented some research about maternal stress. This module discusses more about maternal mental health and factors that influence how mothers experience stress. The module will also cover ways of identifying stress and the causes for mothers interacting with the site.

Most mothers feel very stressed at some time or another. Mothering a child with a disability can be stressful for many reasons. Some mothers report feeling high levels of stress for prolonged periods. The responsibilities and daily issues related to their child’s care, schooling, work, family or another issue may make many days seem pressured. Mothers in this life situation say that they experience constant and relentless stress.

Other mothers say that there are periods when they feel fine and all is well as they manage the additional daily issues associated with raising a child with a disability. Periods when daily life poses undue stress are generally limited to certain times of year (the start of a new school year, another child’s arrival, parent beginning a new job…) or a sudden change in their child’s condition or services.

Whatever your situation, it is important to know that feeling stressed and overwhelmed is not something that you should live with for a prolonged period. If you feel like you could and should feel better, less frantic or stressed, less tired or aggravated, more joyful and energized than you are, you are probably right. You can help yourself. You can also locate and find other people who will understand and help you.

In this module you will hear some research findings about how stressed mothers report their mental health. It is important to know that these research findings are about other people. You know how you feel, how you manage the daily responsibilities that are necessary to assist your child, your other children and your family every day.

When listening to the presentations, think about how the information in the presentation may apply to you and your situation.

  • Is it similar to your experience?
  • What is different?

You decide what is applicable to you in your life.

This video discusses research findings about stress and mothering:

Entry last updated 24 February, 2020